Cc to hp Converter
Convert the cubic capacity (cc) of an engine to its equivalent horsepower (hp). Simply enter the engine’s cc value and get the hp instantly. Ideal for automotive calculations.
How to Convert Cc to Horsepower
To convert cubic capacity of an engine to horse power you can use cc to hp conversion formula:
Horsepower =Cubic Capacity (cc)/15
This formula provides a rough estimate of the horsepower output of an engine based on its cubic capacity. Keep in mind that this is just an approximation, and actual engine power can vary based on various factors such as engine design, fuel type, compression ratio, and other performance characteristics.
Cc to hp Conversion Table
150 cc to hp = 10 hp |
2000 cc to hp = 133.33 hp |
98 cc to hp = 6.53 hp |
306 cc to hp = 20.4 hp |
420 cc to hp = 28 hp |
998 cc to hp = 66.53 hp |
1500 cc to hp = 100 hp |
1000 cc to hp = 66.67 hp |
208 cc to hp = 13.87 hp |
196 cc to hp = 13.07 hp |
190 cc to hp = 12.67 hp |
140 cc to hp = 9.33 hp |
660 cc to hp = 44 hp |
250 cc to hp = 16.67 hp |
163 cc to hp = 10.87 hp |
224 cc to hp = 14.93 hp |
725 cc to hp = 48.33 hp |
209 cc to hp = 13.93 hp |
1300 cc to hp = 86.67 hp |
357 cc to hp = 23.8 hp |
726 cc to hp = 48.4 hp |
1200 cc to hp = 80 hp |
223 cc to hp = 14.87 hp |
125 cc to hp = 8.33 hp |
1100 cc to hp = 73.33 hp |
1800 cc to hp = 120 hp |
500 cc to hp = 33.33 hp |
200 cc to hp = 13.33 hp |
650 cc to hp = 43.33 hp |
999 cc to hp = 66.6 hp |
1600 cc to hp = 106.67 hp |
252 cc to hp = 16.8 hp |
170 cc to hp = 11.33 hp |
243 cc to hp = 16.2 hp |
600 cc to hp = 40 hp |
160 cc to hp = 10.67 hp |
100 cc to hp = 6.67 hp |
254 cc to hp = 16.93 hp |
2500 cc to hp = 166.67 hp |
3000 cc to hp = 200 hp |
205 cc to hp = 13.67 hp |
750 cc to hp = 50 hp |
518 cc to hp = 34.53 hp |
344 cc to hp = 22.93 hp |
439 cc to hp = 29.27 hp |
452 cc to hp = 30.13 hp |
Q. What Is Cubic Capacity Of Engine?
Cubic capacity, often referred to as cc or displacement, is the total volume of all the engine’s cylinders. It represents the combined space through which the pistons travel. Cubic capacity is a measure of the engine’s size.
Q. How Does Cc Relate To Horsepower?
Cc (cubic capacity) relates to horsepower as a larger engine displacement allows more air and fuel to be burnt, potentially producing more power. However, other factors like engine design, efficiency, and RPM also impact the actual horsepower output.
Q. How Many Cc To A Horsepower?
There is no fixed conversion ratio, but a rough estimate is that around 15 cc of displacement equals 1 horsepower.
Q. How Does Cc Compare To Horsepower?
Cc (cubic capacity) and horsepower are related but different measures. Cc represents the engine’s total displacement, while horsepower quantifies the actual power output. Larger engines tend to have more horsepower potential, but the two don’t compare on a 1:1 ratio.
Q. How Do You Convert Engine Cc To Horsepower?
You can estimate horsepower from cc using a rule of thumb like: Horsepower = Cubic Capacity (cc) / 15.
Also see: Speed Converters