Convert mph to Knots – Miles per hour to Knots

mph to knots calculator

Convert mph to Knots with our easy-to-use calculator. Perfect for sailors, pilots, and enthusiasts needing accurate Miles per Hour to Knots conversions in seconds!

How to convert mph to knots

To convert mph to knots, simply divide the speed in mph by 1.15078. This gives you the equivalent speed in knots. .  For example, 35 mph to knots = 30.42 knots (35/1.15078).

mph to Knots Formula

The precise formula for converting mph to knots is:

Knots = MPH ÷ 1.15078

mph to Knots conversion table

35 mph to knots = 30.42 knots
9 mph to knots = 7.82 knots
20 mph to knots = 17.38 knots
10 mph to knots = 8.69 knots
60 mph to knots = 52.14 knots
30 mph to knots = 26.07 knots
15 mph to knots = 13.03 knots
150 mph to knots = 130.35 knots
125 mph to knots = 108.62 knots
300 mph to knots = 260.69 knots
155 mph to knots = 134.69 knots
200 mph to knots = 173.80 knots
12 mph to knots = 10.43 knots
180 mph to knots = 156.42 knots
165 mph to knots = 143.38 knots
85 mph to knots = 73.86 knots
175 mph to knots = 152.07 knots

What speed is 30 knots in mph?

30 knots is equivalent to approximately 34.5 mph. To convert knots to mph, multiply the speed in knots by 1.15078: 30 × 1.15078 = 34.52 mph

What speed is 10 knots in mph?

10 knots equals approximately 11.5 mph: 10 × 1.15078 = 11.51 mph

Is 20 knots fast?

20 knots (approximately 23 mph) is considered relatively fast for marine vessels.

Related conversion: knots to mph