Delisle to Kelvin Temperature Converter

Convert temperatures from the Delisle scale to Kelvins quickly and accurately using this free online Delisle to Kelvin calculator tool.

How to Convert Delisle to Kelvin

Here’s how to convert Delisle (°De) to Kelvin (K):

Delisle to Kelvin Formula

°K = 373 – (°De * (5/3))


  • Substitute the Delisle temperature (°De) into the formula.
  • Multiply °De by 5 and then divide by 3.
  • Subtract the result from 373.
  • The answer will be the temperature in Kelvin (K).

Delisle to Kelvin Conversion Examples

  • 0.5 Delisle to Kelvin = 372.17 K
  • 0 Delisle to Kelvin = 373.00 K
  • 5 Delisle to Kelvin = 364.67 K
  • 20 Delisle to Kelvin = 339.67 K
  • 30 Delisle to Kelvin =323.00 K
  • 40 Delisle to Kelvin = 306.33 K
  • 50 Delisle to Kelvin =289.67 K
  • 60 Delisle to Kelvin = 273.00 K
  • 80 Delisle to Kelvin = 239.67 K
  • 100 Delisle to Kelvin = 206.33 K

Related: Celsius to Kelvin