parsecs to meters​

parsecs to meters​ calculator

Use our free online parsecs to meters calculator for quick and accurate astronomical distance conversions from parsecs (pc) to meters (m). Get precise results easily with our user-friendly tool.

How To Convert Parsecs to Meters​

1 parsec = 3.0857 × 10^16 meters

So to convert parsecs to meters, multiply the number of parsecs by 3.0857 × 10^16.

Example: To convert 2 parsecs to meters: 2 pc = 2 × (3.0857 × 10^16) = 6.1714 × 10^16 meters.

Parsecs to Meters​ Conversion Formula

The formula to convert parsecs (pc) to meters (m) is:

Distance in meters = Number of parsecs × (3.0857 × 10^16) Or written mathematically: m = pc × (3.0857 × 10^16).

Parsecs to Meters​ Conversions

1 parsec to meters​ = 3.0857 × 10^16 meters

1000 parsecs to meters​ = 3.0857 × 10^19 meters

10000 parsecs to meters​ = 3.0857 × 10^20 meters

12 parsecs to meters​ = 3.70284 × 10^17 meters

15 parsecs to meters = 4.62855 × 10^17 meters

10 parsecs to meters = 3.0857 × 10^17 meters

3 parsecs to m = 9.2571 × 10^16 meters


1. What is the value of 1 parsec in meters?

1 parsec = 3.0857 × 10^16 meters.

2. How many meters in a parsec?

There are 30,856,775,814,671,900 meters (or 3.0857 × 10^16 meters) in one parsec.

3. How to convert PCs to meters?

Multiply the number of parsecs by 3.0857 × 10^16. Formula: Distance in meters = Number of parsecs × (3.0857 × 10^16).

4. What is 1 parsec length to meters​

1 parsec is equal to 3.0857 × 10^16 meters.

5. What is meant by 1 parsec?

A parsec (pc) is a unit of astronomical distance derived from parallax and arcsecond. It’s the distance at which an object’s parallax angle is one arcsecond (1/3600 of a degree). The term “parsec” comes from “parallax” + “arcsecond”.

6. What is the distance of a parsec?

One parsec is equal to:

  • 3.0857 × 10^16 meters
  • 3.26 light-years
  • 206,265 astronomical units (AU) This makes it a useful unit for measuring interstellar distances.

Related conversion tool: meters to parsecs​ calculator