Rankine to Celsius Calculator | Convert °R to °C

Convert Rankine to Celsius temperatures accurately with our online Rankine to Celsius calculator. Get quick and reliable Celsius equivalents for any Rankine value instantly.

Rankine to Celsius Conversion

To convert Rankine to Celsius, you can use the following Rankine to Celsius formula:

Celsius = (Rankine – 491.67)

Rankine to Celsius Conversion Chart

Here is a one-column table with the conversions from Rankine to Celsius using the formula Celsius = (Rankine – 491.67):

Rankine to Celsius
0 °R to °C = -273.15 °C
600 °R to °C = 60.56 °C
1 °R to °C = -272.59 °C
518 °R to °C = 14.44 °C
100 °R to °C = -217.59 °C
500 °R to °C = 4.61 °C
°R to °C Conversion Chart

Rankine to Celsius Conversion Examples

Example 1:

Convert 200 °R to °C

  • Input: 200 Rankine
  • Result: -162.038°C

Example 2:

Convert 400 °R to °C

  • Input: 400 Rankine
  • Result: -50.926°C

Understanding the Relationship: Rankine vs. Celsius

Understanding the correlation between Rankine and Celsius is essential for temperature conversion:

  • Celsius (°C) = (Rankine – 491.67) × 5/9
  • Rankine = (Celsius (°C) + 273.15) × 9/5

Related: Rankine to Kelvin