Watts to kVA

Watts to kVA Calculator

Quickly and accurately convert W (watts) to kVA (kilovolt-amperes) with our easy-to-use Watts to kVA Calculator.

How to Convert Watts to kVA

Converting watts to kVA involves understanding the relationship between watts (W), kilovolt-amperes (kVA), and power factor (PF). The power factor, ranging between 0 and 1, represents the efficiency of your electrical system.

To convert watts to kVA, use this straightforward process:

  1. Determine the total power in watts.
  2. Know the system’s power factor.
  3. Apply the watts to kVA formula (kVA = Watts ÷ Power Factor).

Watts to kVA formula

The primary formula for converting watts to kVA is:

kVA = Watts ÷ Power Factor

For example:

  • If you have 5000 watts with a power factor of 0.8
  • kVA = 5000 W ÷ 0.8
  • Result: 6.25 kVA

Watts to kVA Chart

WattskVA (Power Factor 0.8)
100 Watts to kVA0.125 kVA
600 Watts to kVA0.75 kVA
1000 Watts to kVA1.25 kVA
1200 Watts to kVA1.50 kVA
2000 Watts to kVA2.50 kVA
3000 Watts to kVA3.75 kVA
5000 Watts to kVA6.25 kVA
5500 Watts to kVA6.88 kVA
10000 Watts to kVA12.50 kVA
13000 Watts to kVA16.25 kVA
18000 Watts to kVA22.50 kVA

Note: Calculations are based on the formula kVA = Watts ÷ Power Factor, using a standard power factor of 0.8.

Watts to kVA Conversion Examples

Let’s explore some practical conversion scenarios to help you understand the process:

  1. 3000 Watts Conversion:
    • With a standard power factor of 0.8
    • kVA = 3000 W ÷ 0.8
    • Result: 3.75 kVA
  2. 7000 Watts Conversion:
    • With a power factor of 0.9
    • kVA = 7000 W ÷ 0.9
    • Result: 7.78 kVA


How many watts are in 1 kVA?

The watts in 1 kVA depend on the power factor:

  • At 0.8 power factor: 800 watts
  • At 0.9 power factor: 900 watts

What is 5000 watts in kVA?

With a standard 0.8 power factor, 5000 watts equals 6.25 kVA.

How many kVA is 3000 watts?

Using a typical 0.8 power factor, 3000 watts converts to 3.75 kVA.

What is 7000 watts in kVA?

With a 0.9 power factor, 7000 watts translates to approximately 7.78 kVA.

Also see;

kVA to Watts

Megawatts to Watts

Watts to MegaWatts